Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'd read a book by J.D.Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, and his writing really blew me off! So, obviously, I tried writing like that! I don't know what it's like, but its a start. Here's the attempt -

When I was born, they decided to call me Rajarshi. Frankly, I don't really know what was wrong with them because I couldn't have thought of something shittier if I was paid for it.

So I lived through 17 years of this shit I'm supposed to call life. I mean I aint the kinda guy who sits on his terrace thinking about philosophy and shit, but life's such a fucked up thing, that its quite an interesting thing when you compare them. 

Music is good. Its been my loyal partner all through. Ya fine, maybe sometimes my iPod conks out and I'm stranded with nothing to jam to, but its never left my side really. All that Beatles shit kinda makes me wonder at times, so all these pricks, that my granddad would call his "good old homeboys", actually went gaga over this bunch of four gay pricks without like a ounce worth of style in them! Pink Floyd, ya now THATS whats worth listening to. You can swim in and outta their songs, till you wanna swim no more ... and drown in it ... just drown. 

Whatever, YOU probably won't even understand what shit I'm talking about, coz you never had the balls to try pushing coke or rolling a joint. All you people out there are a bunch of fucking zombies. All you pricks see is work, profit and all that shit. I don't get what life without a high is. Anyway, fuck it, why waste talking sense to you senseless shits.

[ I'm done for now!]

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