Sunday, April 19, 2009

Playing with shapes

I was surprised and pretty disturbed by an issue that sprung from an even which took place sometime in the morning, so I did what I do in times like these. I drew! I played with rotating and translating the same shape to create to completely different things.


The dance

Friday, April 17, 2009

It seems that my Al Capone drawing is quite good for an MSPaint doodle! Here are some others like that that I'd done ages ago. Ther're all taken from photographs. They were all done pretty much within the same month, in one of my sporadic bursts of production!



My father



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First: I made this one for an aunt of mine. Its for her birthday. 

"Happy Birthday"

Second: I love reading stories and watching movies about bad-guys from the old days. My favourite is Mr.Alphonsho Caponi a.k.a Al Capone. Here's a portrait of him I made using a police mugshot as a reference. It's hard to believe what MSPaint can do all on its own.

Then, I drifted back into randomness.
