Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reclining Woman


Today I'm combing my hair, and my mom walks in, nearly faints at the sight, and takes roughly 3 seconds to regain consciousness and ask me, "Babu, tor ki kono girlfriend-thirlfriend hoeche naki? Eto beyam korchis, chool achracchis, roj eto chaan korchis, thote boroline makhchis, byapar ta ki? Aka aka thaakis, soft soft gaan shunis (eluding to Beatles and Dylan, after being used to too much Metallica and Iron Maiden), kotha bolishna ar sharadin sms korish? Ami mind korina kintu, amae bolte parish!" It's starting to get quite disconcerting of late!

Drew again today. My best roll till date! Hopefully it will last.

1 comment:

rorschach said...

"thote boroline makhish" just killed me heheh ..

i hope it gets better for you though. maybe you should spend a little more time with your parents. it'll be boring but maybe worth it.