Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There was a boy who had loved.

He was the son of Neptune.

His eyes had seen and had moved

Many maidens’ good fortune.

His teacher gave him his love,

His mistress walked him home,

The creature that ruled above

His mind set his feet to roam.

He roamed and roamed till Eden,

And seeing Eve and Adam,

He taught him how to breathe in

Her lust and call her Madam.

Seeing that dear God came down.

He flicked his hair and pointed

A finger atop his crown

And bid him be arointed.

He took his bag, went along,

Turned back to them three standing,

Played his tune and sang a song,

And stepped down to the landing.

Now, ten years hence, he’s returned

To boil the world with his glare,

And this time his wheels are turned

By the glint in David’s stare.

Would he walk on? Would he try?

Would his marble eyes still cry?

Would he jump to touch the sky,

Or would he choose instead to die?

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