Saturday, March 28, 2009

Return from the Reexamination.

My retests are done with, and one can hope that they'll yield respectable results. If I do not make class 12, it may be too much for the ones close to me, and the ones "close" to me. Anyway, I drew the following two drawings, loyal to MSPaint as always, this evening. They use the same basic form, but in what I intended to be completely different contexts.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well i wish you do well...

im just out with my ISC's

You're really into Paint here..
but switch to easier softwares like Jasc gives you a wider range of tools...and IT DOESN'T NEED TUTORIALS...

My suggestion on the first work...(i put it more like a check and balance,since you've put your work should be open to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM...)

Some...wrinkles would have been the icing on the cake..though you need to be more careful ..don't make it look like...'disapproved'...

...Carry on...hope 2 c more of your work...